This talk was recorded at NDC Security in Oslo, Norway. #ndcsecurity #ndcconferences #security #developer #softwaredeveloper Attend the next NDC conference near you: Subscribe to our YouTube channel and learn every day: /@NDC Follow our Social Media! Once upon a time, developers and security experts relied on mostly server-side rendered vulnerable applications to train their web hacking skills. In 2014 the Juice Shop entered the stage as one of the first Rich Internet Application representatives. What started as a personal pet project with two dozen hacking challenges, became an OWASP Flagship project shortly after and grew in size, scope and use case coverage significantly over the years. Join Björn Kimminich on a tour through the origins, history and evolution of OWASP Juice Shop from 2014 to 2024, closing with a peek into the future of this juicy hacking delicacy for its 10th anniversary.